Entrepreneurs must always stay on top of their game. That’s why reading is (or should be) a huge part of an Entrepreneur’s life. But with so many amazing books out there, it’s hard to choose one to read. Below is a list of must have’s in the book department of every entrepreneur’s book collection.
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – This book will unveil the ultimate secrets to unlocking and harnessing the power of the law of attraction. The secret IS the law of attraction! This book is one of the most essential books to harnessing the power we all have inside of ourselves to attract whatever it is that we each desire. The secret, though, is to manifest the feelings of already having these things in our lives. And by generating that energy into the universe, we are bound to attract what our hearts desire. This is highly recommended for every entrepreneur!
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad is sort of a story about Robert Kiyosaki’s childhood and how he grew up with a Rich Dad (who wasn’t really his dad) and a Poor Dad, who was his actual biological dad. He references to the different ways of thinking of his Rich Dad and Poor Dad and how differently their lives are as a result of how they thought. His poor dad offered advice that society offers us all, which is that we should go to school, graduate with good grades, get into a good college and get a secure job. But his Rich Dad suggests that he start and build a business to achieve true financial freedom and build wealth.
Rich Dad goes into in-depth lessons about the difference between having your money work for you versus working for money at a traditional 9-5 job. This book will give you great advice about money and investing! A great book for all entrepreneurs to read.
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – This book is perhaps the first book you should ever read if you want to become successful! Think and Grow Rich, written by the late Napoleon Hill, is one of the greatest books ever written. This book explores the power of thoughts and how your thoughts really do create your reality. The book gives examples of how the greatest men of all time used their thoughts to generate lives of wisdom, wealth and prosperity.
Napoleon Hill uses great leaders such as Thomas Edison and his invention of the light bulb, Henry Ford and the automobile and various other greats to demonstrate his points. This book is a MUST READ for EVERY ENTREPRENEUR! If you don’t read any other book in your life EVER, please read this one! It will change your outlook on life, on your thinking and how it shapes the lives we lead. Please go buy this book right now, if you don’t already own it!
- The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene – This book is a great book because it grabs philosophies from other books such as Machiavelli, Sun Tzu and Carl Von Clausewitz and combines different theories to compile this book. So it’s more of a compilation of theories and philosophies from various different contributors to create an amazing book.
This is like an overall lesson about life. Some of the laws in which the books examines, are things like the value of having self-confidence, avoiding toxic people, using kindness to combat evil and cynicism, and how when you’re asking for help, your best bet is to appeal to their self-interest rather than their mercy or gratitude. It has some excellent tips in it. A very good read!
- Selling 101 by Zig Ziglar – This book was a great read for me, especially. Let’s face it, all entrepreneurs need to know how to sell themselves, sell their products and their business. Because people don’t buy your products, they buy YOU and they buy THEIR DREAM. This book perfectly breaks down how people think and how you can tap into that and get the sale. This is more so a book on persuasion rather than selling, but you have to persuade to sell, right? RIGHT!
Although tiny and compact, it’s a quick and easy read and highly recommended for entrepreneurs who are selling or trying to persuade individuals.
- 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Seibold– Everyone who enters the business world or wants to be an entrepreneur must develop tough skin mentally. There will be nay sayers, haters, downers, and all sorts of people trying to deter you or tear you down. The key is definitely developing thick skin! You need to be able to endure everything that life or the world can throw at you without giving up.
This book is perfect for teaching some of the best mental toughness secrets that the wealthy world class implement in their lives every day. There are definitely things that the Rich do that separate the poor from them. For instance, the rich know how to control their emotions, how to operate from love and abundance, how to master mental organization and how to accept and welcome change. These are just some of the things that the book will teach you. There are MANY more things. In fact, there are 174 more lessons! This is a great read!
- You are a Badass by Jen Sincero– This book is absolutely phenomenal! And I’m seriously NOT just saying that. It is fantastic! This book will teach you how to stop doubting yourself, how to harness the power inside of you, how to dismantle self-limiting beliefs that were formed during childhood, and how to finally start living life at your fullest potential.
Not only does this book teach you all those things. But it helps you dig down deep inside your soul to become aware of exactly what limiting beliefs you’re holding onto that are keeping you from being the best you that you can be. It’s deep! Please, entrepreneurs, especially those struggling with self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem issues which could be keeping you from taking that leap of faith into business ownership or entrepreneurship, go get a copy! NOW! RUN!
- Girl Code by Cara Leyba Alwill – This book is also a great pick because it’s an empowerment book for women, but it also includes excerpts and quotes from women who’ve already done it. This book is basically about the journey along the way to entrepreneurship and/or business ownership. Some of the lessons it teaches about are how to deal with fear, how to gain inspiration and how other businesses have built their businesses.
The book has question and answer sections for other businesses such as Boss Babe and Glory Ventures. It’s written differently than a traditional book for entrepreneurs, but that’s what makes it special and unique. Highly recommend.
- How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell – This book is another one of the greats! It also details the importance of structuring your thoughts and how what you think leads to how you feel and how you act. John C. Maxwell is a leadership expert and will teach you through this book how to unleash your creative potential, how to develop shared ideas and how to dig deep into your past to understand your behavior of today.
A lot of things that occurred in your past have an enormous impact on how you live your life today. This book delves into the crevices of that notion. This is a highly recommended read for everyone!
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen – You’ve probably noticed by now that a lot of books about success have a great deal to do with how you think. Because thought can change your entire life. This book is a great example of that. The book promotes the idea that our happiness comes from our thoughts and we can simply allow ourselves to be happy by simply shifting our thoughts. And it’s very true!
You can really master your thoughts through reading this book. Once your thoughts and emotions are mastered, you can tackle anything! This book is a testament to that! Highly highly recommended!
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – Thisbook is a handbook for life. As human beings, we all desire to connect with other human beings. It’s just natural. We may feel like we don’t want to connect with others or think as much, but the truth is, we were made to connect with others. Therefore, we want to connect with them. But how can we do that if we don’t know about humans and human nature. This book touches on subjects such as those.
With each principle that Dale Carnegie mentions, he supports it with an illustrative example to help us better understand. This book is extremely informative and helpful when dealing with humans and human behavior. The truth is that, if you’re good with people, you’ll be good with life. When you truly understand the human mind and human behavior, you can most certainly win at life and persuade anyone to do anything. Great book!
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